Why now is the right time for you to hire a Virtual Assistant

Your working practices have been thrown up into the air and you have been forced to work remotely and virtually even if you didn’t want to.

For some, it’s been a blessing and for others a curse, but for most of you it’s been somewhere in between. You’ve learnt all about Zoom, and you’ve learnt how to connect with your colleagues, employees and clients using collaborative tools such as Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts and Trello. You’ve realised that the ‘virtual world’ is actually not that scary! And now there is no going back!

Why? Because you’ve discovered that this new virtual way of working has saved you time, and time is money. You’ve been more efficient, you’ve travelled less, you’ve been home more (ok a lot more) and been able to spend time with the kids, the other half and the dog. You’ve used the time you have saved to exercise more and you feel fitter, you feel healthier. You’ve had a bit more time to forward plan and put strategies in place. You are happier.

That’s why there is no going back. You have discovered a better work-life balance.

Lockdown is easing and we are slowly getting back to business. But business is tough, money is tight. You are going to be chartering your small business ship through the deepest recession in 300 years says the Bank of England. The waters are stormy and you may regretfully have to lay some employees off, not just on furlough but permanently.

But hang on a minute, there are still everyday business tasks that need to get done. You’ll need to keep up with your business admin, and you’ll want to keep pushing your sales and marketing to drive the business forward, but who is going to do it all? You?

You can, of course, roll your sleeves up and have a stab at it, but it’s not your skill set. You’re skilled at driving your business, it’s your main passion and purpose. You’re the strategic lead in your business, you can’t get bogged down with the basics.

That’s where a Virtual Assistant steps in and with a wave of a VA wand can sort it all out for you.

Ok, so we don’t actually have magic wands! But we do have expertise in working virtually, we know and work with tons of time-saving tools that could suit your business. We can streamline your business operations, support you with your sales and marketing and give you even more time back to work on that work-life balance. Plus, we love admin!!

If you’re still not sure about what a Virtual Assistant can do for your business or how to hire one then have a read of this article by Jason Grad for Thrive Global – How I hired a Virtual Assistant, stopped wasting my time, and achieved 10x results. Jason gets it, do you?

Don’t worry if you still don’t and want to spend a bit more time exploring the opportunity of working with a VA and what difference it can make to your business. I offer a free consultation, we can chat more about VAs, how I work, and what specific tasks The PA Portal can support you with – so get in touch to book in your consultation! Why? because now IS the right time to Hire a Virtual Assistant!