The PA Portal | Virtual Assistant services in Maidstone Kent

How to save time and be happy

Call me weird, but I love filling in forms.  I even remember form filling being part of my childhood role-play in my very early years.  Don’t judge me!  I suppose this explains a lot about the career path I’ve taken, and why I am a Virtual Assistant today.  There is nothing more satisfying to me then squeezing all that info into those teeny tiny boxes, and now I get paid to do it.  Lucky me!

PPI – To claim or not?

Recently a PPI (Payment Protection Insurance) claim form landed on my doorstep. Despite being desperate to get out my best black Bic, I held back. I held back for some time in fact, convinced it was all a bit of a scam but I did some research. Then, there was no holding me back, especially when I realised there is a deadline for all claims. OK, it’s not until 29th August 2019, but a deadline none the less. I love the challenge of a deadline, and smashing it. I wasn’t sure if I’d be successful in my claim, but I knew it was worth investing a little time in the hope of a positive outcome.

Should I use an agency?

I was happy to use a claiming agency, even though I’m aware they take a significant % of any claim. I could have logged the claim directly myself, but I was just setting up The PA Portal at the time, so I was sensible and realised I just couldn’t juggle everything.  I decided it was best to hand it over to the experts.  Exactly what I advise my clients to do!  I constantly remind clients, time is best spent focusing on the bigger things.  Of course, sometimes the little things can wait, but on this occasion I decided to go ahead and delegate.

After all, according to a recent study outsourcing tasks and saving yourself time, makes you happy!  Researchers have found that “feelings of time stress are linked to lower well-being, including reduced happiness, increased anxiety, and insomnia”.  You can read the full report here

It’s an interesting read for anyone that is time poor.  It resonates with me.  I am so passionate about The PA Portal and the services I offer.  I know I can save my clients time, and as a result, maybe increase their happiness.

Was I successful?

Yes. I’ve just found out that a big cheque is on its way from the PPI claim company. It’s fine that the agency will take their share, they put in the work, kept me well informed and got the result for me.  I invested in them, they put in the time and I’m happy too.

Contact me to see if I can save you time and bring you a little bit of happiness.